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Floods in Europe threaten not only infrastructure, but also human health

Floods – one of the types of natural disasters, most widespread in Europe: for the last 20 years any country of the region did not manage to avoid them practically. But this year in many corners of Europe they reached unprecedented scales. So, in Venice water level reached value, record for the last 50 years, in Montenegro the whole settlements were cut off by water, and in Great Britain people are forced to be evacuated from the houses.

The European bureau WHO reminds that during floods, as a rule, there is a deficiency of drinking water, sanitary and hygienic conditions worsen, people are traumatized – all this affects health of the population. But because of failures in work of various services, including medical institutions, people can not always receive necessary medical care.

Often floods become a cause of death of people: they not only sink, but sometimes perish from defeat by electric current. Since the beginning of the 21st century thousands of people became the victims of floods in the region, and victims of them are estimated in millions.

WHO published recommendations for all who anyway suffered from floods. In them measures which can be accepted that to reduce risk for health to a minimum to, in time and after a flood are described. After a water descent, for example, first of all it is necessary to clear away the territory and to restore roads, the major services and housing.

Experts warn that against the background of the become frequent extreme weather events, including long pouring rains, more and more frequent and powerful will be also floods. WHO urges the central and local authorities to take measures for preparation for floods and to quickly liquidate the related consequences for human health and for work of health services.

The floods which fell upon Europe cause deep alarm also in UNESCO. There are extremely concerned by a condition of Venice which in 1987 was included in the World Heritage List. This unique city is already threatened by domination of tourists, an infinite stream of cruise liners, new buildings, and now and climate change. Also monuments of the World heritage in the south of Italy suffered from floods. UNESCO is ready to render any necessary help, and in 2020, in coordination with the authorities, intend to direct the group of experts for assessment of a condition of Venice there.

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