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Prepare for flu – call in WHO

WHO considers that everyone has to do vaccination against flu, but especially it is necessary to children 5 years and to people with such diseases as asthma or diabetes are younger. Though scientists do not know what influenza virus can be expected during a concrete season, working on vaccine creation, they consider many factors, and the final recommendation is taken out by WHO. It is proved that on average the inoculation protects 60 percent of healthy aged people from 16 to 64 years from flu. Keep in mind that vaccine begins to work in two weeks after a prick.

It is known that the influenza virus is transferred in the airborne way so, sneezing or coughing, cover a mouth – but only not a palm, then you easily can infect others, for example, at handshake or just touching public objects. So it is better to close a mouth a napkin or a hand, for example, in an elbow. Well, also do not forget to wash hands during the day.

If you nevertheless had symptoms – temperature, a sore throat, cough, then WHO experts recommend not to panic and not to call the ambulance. Let's themselves have a rest, drink as much as possible liquid and, most likely, the virus itself will leave an organism. But if you treat risk group, then it is better to see a doctor.

Do not self-medicate at all and do not accept antibiotics. They do not help with a case of diseases of the virus nature. Nevertheless, every year many people, the patients with flu, takes the antibacterial drugs which are absolutely useless.

The unjustified and excessive use of antibiotics, according to WHO, – one of the main problems of our time: at bacteria resistance to effect of these drugs develops, and the person can be helpless before any disease.

Keep in mind that flu is a serious disease which can lead to complications and even death. It is especially dangerous to small children, pregnant women and people with heart diseases, chronic respiratory and pulmonary diseases and diabetes. Every year nearly 60,000 elderly people die of flu 65 years are more senior.

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