"It is much more men, than women among the victims of murders and accidents on roads. Men resort to suicides more often and to a large extent suffer as a result of cardiovascular diseases", - the author of the report of WHO reported "The overview of world statistics in a health care field for 2019" Richard Sibulskis.
Authors of a new research note that today people live longer and longer keep health in old age. If five flyings ago on average it was possible to live in full health till 58 and a half, then today the good health remains till 63 flyings. The new report is published on the eve of the World Health Day which is celebrated on April 7.
Authors of the new report connect the fact that women live longer partly with the fact that men ask for medical care less often. Women, for example, pass test for HIV more often and begin to accept antiretroviral therapy die of the diseases connected with AIDS less often. The same concerns also TB patients.
In general, the probability that the man will die of a noninfectious disease, for example, from a cardiovascular disease aged till 70 flyings, is 44 percent higher, than at the woman. Rates of mortality of men as a result of suicides are also higher, than at women.
The gap in life expectancy between floors is lower in the poor countries where the level of maternal mortality is still high. So, in the least developed countries during pregnancy and childbirth one of 40 women, and in the countries with high income level - one of 3,300 dies.
In general in the poorest countries people live 18 flyings less, than in industrialized countries. Every 14th child in the least developed states does not live up to the fifth birthday.
"These statistical data say that the countries have to adopt the accurate strategy of primary health care designed to resist to noninfectious diseases and decrease in risk factors", - authors of the report consider. They believe that the situation can improve thanks to simple measures for strengthening of control of arterial blood pressure and fight against smoking. In many countries with the low and average level of income growth of chronic diseases is generally connected with such risk factors as smoking, alcohol intake and unhealthy food. These trends are especially noticeable on the African continent where they are aggravated with lack of appropriate medical care and drugs.